Business, Politics

Councilman Marks to recommend 275 acres to be downzoned in Middle River

MIDDLE RIVER, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Thursday announced that he will support one of the largest downzoning efforts ever considered along the Wampler Road and Bengies Road corridors in Middle River.

Councilman Marks will recommend that 125 acres be redesignated as Neighborhood Commons, or open space, zoning, and that 150 acres be downzoned to DR 1, or one house per acre.

The rezoning recommendations are related to Issues 5-042, 5-072, 5-073, 5-086, 5-090, 5-092, 5-094, 5-118, 5-119, 5-162, 5-175, 5-179, 5-180, and 5-185.

“During my tenure as Baltimore County Councilman, I have worked aggressively to prioritize development in areas that have infrastructure, such as the Greenleigh community off White Marsh Boulevard,” said Councilman Marks. “Unfortunately, growth has spread out to areas that cannot absorb this new development. We are working to protect some of the older neighborhoods in eastern Baltimore County.

“I wholeheartedly support Councilman Marks’ work to slow development and reduce the impacts of unplanned, overdevelopment in eastern Baltimore County,” Delegate Ryan Nawrocki added. “As a local resident, I hear continual and justified complaints about unplanned development. Government should have a plan in place before development occurs to ensure proper road and school infrastructure exists and this forward thinking approach allows for that to occur.”

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