Business, Politics

Councilman Marks to recommend protecting 100 acres of open space in Bird River Road area

MIDDLE RIVER, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Monday announced today that he will recommend protecting over 100 acres of land in the Bird River Road corridor as open space, or Neighborhood Commons zoning.  He will recommend reducing 15 acres of land to DR 1, or one house per acre.

The zoning issues are 5-069, 5-079, 5-091, 5-120, 5-121, 5-130, 5-131, 5-136, 5-137, 5-138, 5-139, and 5-182.

The downzoning represents one of the largest of its kind in the Middle River area.

“I have consistently said that I want to prioritize development along the White Marsh Boulevard corridor, where there is infrastructure in place to accommodate growth,” said Councilman Marks. “That means shifting development away from places like Ebenezer and Bird River Roads and Eastern Avenue that cannot handle new development.”

“The Essex-Middle River Civic Council appreciates Councilman Marks’ work with our organization on these and other zoning issues,” added EMRCC President Josh Sines. “This downzoning should substantially reduce sediment pollution in waterways such as the Bird River.”

The Comprehensive Zoning Map Process concludes in late August.

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