Business, Politics

Councilman Marks to recommend downzoning 18 acres along Bird River

WHITE MARSH, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Thursday announced rezoning recommendations designed to reduce the impact of development on the Bird River.

First, Councilman Marks will recommend classifying nearly 18 acres of land on the southern side of the Bird River near White Marsh Run to RC 20, removing an existing industrial zoning. The new classification is designed to better protect this critical area of the Bird River region from development.

Second, Councilman Marks will recommend removing all development potential from the Days Cove Park property owned by Baltimore County. The property will include a blend of RC 7, RC 50, and DR 1 NC zoning that greatly limits uses.

“I have long been concerned about the integrity of the Bird River, and with these actions, we are limiting any ability to overdevelop these sites. For those who are mad about mud, you should pay attention to the rezoning that we are doing to block growth in sensitive areas,” said Councilman Marks. “Even though the Days Cove Park site is owned by Baltimore County, the new rezoning will provide an extra layer of protection for nearby residents in case the county ever decides to dispose of the property.”

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