Business, Education, Politics

Councilman Marks to recommend lowering development on 188 acres in south Perry Hall

PERRY HALL, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Tuesday announced that he will support reducing the development potential of more than 188 acres in the south Perry Hall area as part of the Comprehensive Zoning Map Process.

The properties are included in Issues 5-036 and 5-181 and stretch from the White Marsh Road area across to Bucks Schoolhouse Road and Perry Hall Boulevard.

Specifically, Councilman Marks will recommend that 175 acres be reclassified to DR 1, or one house per acre, and that 13 acres be designated as Neighborhood Commons, or open space zoning.

This is believed to be one of the largest downzoning efforts in this community.

“I am listening to those residents from the South Perry Hall area who want to preserve their quality of life,” said Councilman Marks. “We are making progress in addressing school overcrowding, with the construction of Rossville Elementary and Nottingham Middle, and I do not want to overwhelm these new campuses with more enrollment.”

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