Crime, Police/Fire

Boating accidents down in Maryland over July 4th weekend

BALTIMORE, MD—There were nine boating accidents in Maryland over the July 4 weekend, down from 12 in each of the previous two years, according to a news release from the Maryland Natural Resources Police.

The DNRP said that there were no boating fatalities recorded over Independence Day weekend, which is the busiest boating holiday of the year. Police said that the “Nick’s Law” regarding boating while impaired law went into effect on July 1, 2024, which allows a court system to prohibit those convicted of OUI of operating a vessel in state waters for up to two years. Previously, offenders could only be prohibited from operating for one year, and two years in fatal incidents.

The DNRP said that the heightened enforcement period from July 4-6 also resulted in 9 arrests of Operating While Under the Influence of Alcohol offenders, the highest number of arrests since 12 arrests were made during Operation Dry Water in 2018.

Operation Dry Water is a joint effort of the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators, with the Maryland DNRP participating since its inception in 2009, conducting “saturation patrols” in areas where drinking and boating are known to occur.

This article was written with the assistance of AI and reviewed by a human editor.

Photo via Maryland Natural Resources Police

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