Around Maryland, Business

Maryland to invest $5.19 million in cultural preservation

ANNAPOLIS, MD—The Maryland Heritage Areas Authority has announced that 87 cultural organizations, local governments, and heritage tourism organizations will receive a total of $5.19 million in grants to fund projects that aim to preserve and promote Maryland’s history and culture.

The grants, which are being awarded as part of the FY25 Maryland Heritage Areas Program, will support a range of projects including the development of new heritage tourism destinations, the preservation of historic sites and museums, and the development of educational programs for local communities.

The program is designed to stimulate economic growth and create jobs while also protecting and promoting Maryland’s unique history and culture for future generations.

“Our history is our power,” said Governor Wes Moore. “By prioritizing heritage tourism, we aren’t just investing in local economies, we are also empowering Marylanders to find their own strength in our collective past. These projects will make Maryland more competitive, support a diverse array of new partnerships, and enrich the lives of both visitors and residents alike.”

The Maryland Heritage Areas Program is supported by a combination of state and local funding, and has awarded more than $73 million in grants since it was established in 1996.

The program is designed to be a catalyst for economic growth and job creation while also preserving and enhancing Maryland’s unique history and culture for future generations.

A full list of the FY25 grants is available at (PDF).

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