Education, Politics

Baltimore County Council votes to override Olszewski’s veto of school overcrowding bill

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TOWSON, MD—On Monday evening, July 1, the Baltimore County Council voted to override County Executive Johnny Olszewski’s veto of the revised Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance.

The County Council initially passed the measure in early June.  The revised APFO will require developers to receive approval from a special school capacity committee before they can obtain a building permit for new homes in areas where nearby schools are oversubscribed.  It will apply to areas where schools are 105% or more over their state-allotted capacity. Developers previously had to wait until capacity opened up in an area to build, but the new law aims to ease school overcrowding issues in Baltimore County.

County Executive Olszewski subsequently vetoed the measure, a move that was blasted by local officials and TABCO.

On Monday evening, the County Council voted 5-1 to override the veto of Bill 31-24.  Councilman Pat Young was the lone vote against the override and Councilman Julian Jones was absent.

Bill 50-24, which Councilman Wade Kach said would address Olszewski’s concerns, was introduced at Monday’s session but has not yet been posted for public review.

Photo via Pixabay

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