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Baltimore County Community Planning Institute earns national recognition

TOWSON, MD—The Baltimore County Department of Planning’s new Community Planning Institute (CPI) has received a 2024 Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties (NACo).

The award was announced on Tuesday, June 18, for the innovative and effective county government program that was created to strengthen services for residents. The inaugural cohort of the CPI began in May 2022, and the third cohort is currently underway.

The five-week program allows participants to interact with agency leaders, plan-related activities, and network with other community members in the county to learn more about the strengths, challenges, and constraints associated with growth management and development. The program is designed to empower participants to be more active in planning-related initiatives throughout the county.

“We are honored that NaCo has recognized our very successful Community Planning Institute. We are pleased to provide valuable information and skills so that residents can play a role in strengthening the communities where they live,” said Baltimore County Director of Planning Steve Lafferty. “The participants have demonstrated commitment to improving their communities and will important to bringing important benefits and changes to those who live in the County.

The CPI is part of a broader plan to strengthen community engagement and advocacy in Baltimore County. County officials believe that community input is essential for future decisions and that the CPI will help to ensure that residents are heard and have a voice in the planning process. The program is typically offered in the spring and fall, and the next session is tentatively scheduled for October 2024.

This article was written with the assistance of AI and reviewed by a human editor.

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