
Councilman Marks: Traffic light, safety improvements planned along Campbell Boulevard

MIDDLE RIVER, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Friday announced that the new Fiscal Year 2025 budget includes $800,000 to improve safety in Middle River’s Campbell Boulevard corridor.

The budget allocates $400,000 to construct a traffic signal at Campbell Boulevard and Bird River Road, and $400,000 for traffic calming along Campbell Boulevard.

Reducing the speeds in this area has been a top priority for local residents.

“While there are many opinions about how to improve traffic safety in this area, I for one am pleased that something will be done over the next year,” said Linda Felts, a longtime resident.

“We thank Councilman Marks and County Executive Olszewski for their support of the community,” added Ray Peele, president of the Windlass Run Homeowners Association. “These improvements were requested at the last two budget town hall meetings, and these leaders listened.”

“I will continue to push for improvements to enhance the neighborhoods along Bird River Road and Campbell Boulevard,” Councilman Marks noted. “That includes public improvements such as a traffic light and a new library, and a grocery store to serve this growing area.”

Photo via Pexels

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