Around Maryland, Events, Opinion, Politics

NOW YOU KNOW: Three Weeks Away From The Primary – What You Need To Know

The following is a 2024 election update from Delegates Kathy Szeliga and Ryan Nawrocki.

The primary elections are less than three weeks away! You may have even received your mail-in ballot already. Here is some useful information to make sure you vote in this primary. First and foremost, you must be registered to vote. To ensure you can fully vote in the primary election, you should be registered as a Republican or Democrat. Unaffiliated voters have a very limited number of offices available on their Primary election ballot. You can register to vote by going to an early voting center in the county where you live with a document that proves where you live.

Election Day is Tuesday, May 14. 2024 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Early voting will be conducted Thursday, May 2, 2024 – Thursday, May 9, 2024 (including Saturday and Sunday) from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. You can vote early at designated locations including Honeygo Recreation Center in Nottingham, Victory Villa Community Center in Middle River, and Jacksonville Recreation Center at Sweet Air Park in Phoenix.

Mail-in voting has already begun. You may request a mail-in ballot from the Maryland State Board of Elections or the Baltimore County Board of Elections. Your request must be received by Tuesday, May 7. You can mail your mail-in ballot or drop it off at an early voting center. Mail-in ballots must be postmarked or placed in a designated drop box by 8 p.m. on May 14.

The full details are available at or by calling 410-887-5700,
Following are our recommendations for the upcoming Primary Election. As Donald Trump and Joe Biden have already all but secured the Presidential nominations for their parties, we don’t see any useful purpose in commenting on those Primary races.

In the Baltimore County Congressional races, we fully endorse and support Andy Harris in District 1 and Kim Klacik in District 2. Andy Harris is a long-time friend of ours and has Represented Maryland and District 1 exceptionally as the only Maryland Republican member of congress. Andy works hard for the 1st congressional district and the state.

Kim Klacik is running to replace retiring 11-term Democrat Dutch Ruppersberger in District 2. Kim is also a good friend of ours. We showed up in support of her when she filed her candidacy papers at the Maryland State Board of Elections. The seat she is running for is an incredibly important seat for Maryland and America. For the last few years, Congressman Andy Harris has been the only Maryland Republican in congress but that now has the potential to change due to the last redistricting efforts. District 2 is now a highly competitive open seat due to recent redistricting that has made it more likely for a Republican to flip. We hope that the Republican is Kim Klacik as she has our complete and total endorsement for this crucial seat.

The other big election in Baltimore County will be for the four Circuit Court judges. This election is important in ensuring the rule of law will be enforced in our community. We are voting for all four of our Baltimore County Sitting Judges Michael Barranco, Patricia DeMaio, Marc DeSimone, and James Rhodes. They are all highly qualified with an impressive background and experience. These judges have the honor and integrity to protect the rule of law and we believe the election of these Judges would best serve our community. It is important when voting to select all four of these candidates. There is one additional person running for judge who appears second on the ballot.

Finally, there are delegates to the national conventions on the ballot. Be sure to vote for all the Trump delegates, including Kathy Szeliga. Kathy is honored to be a Trump delegate and looks forward to electing Donald Trump in Milwaukee at the Republican National Convention in mid-July.

Voting is our constitutional right and a duty in this country that is considered a privilege in others. We encourage everybody to go out and vote as early as possible for the most exceptional candidates and to take our recommendations into consideration. An informed vote is the best vote so be sure to continue to take part in our democratic political process by doing your research on candidates and getting out to vote in the next few weeks.

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