Business, Opinion, Traffic

Local community, business organizations send letter to MDOT regarding ‘unsafe’ stretch of I-95

NOTTINGHAM, MD—More than a dozen local community groups and business organizations have written a letter to Maryland Department of Transportation Secretary Paul Wiedefeld regarding what they deem to be an unsafe stretch of Interstate 95 in northeastern Baltimore County and southern Harford County.

The letter reads as follows:

Secretary Paul Wiedefeld (MDOT),

We are writing today concerning the ongoing construction of the interstate 95 corridor from White Marsh Blvd/rt43 to rt543. This section of road has been continually left by the contractor in a condition that is unsafe to travel in at the posted speeds, uneven road, gaps in between sections of paving, line markings erratic leaving sections narrow while adjoining lanes are wider, patches that have sunk more then 3 inches, and in particular at the intersection under the rt152 overpass, south AND northbound where the foundation for the old bridge was, are now elevated more the 4 inches sending trucks out of control (this particular spot has been the scene of over a dozen collisions). Also in the construction zone there are NO open shoulders meaning any vehicle that breaks down or gets a flat tire has no where to go but sit in a travel lane and wait to get hit, or worse with a 5-car accident this morning (3/22/24 northbound near forge road) it took emergency responders an additional 45 minutes to reach the accident due to gridlock traffic) On a daily basis this section of road has accidents, sometimes multiples a day which then sends all traffic onto our local roads grid-locking our communities almost daily.

We the undersigned communities and representatives ask that this road be brought into federal compliance under FP-24 and in accordance with the MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials, we ask that this entire section of road be repaved to level, and re-lined properly and that a shoulder be left open northbound and southbound so Emergency responders can adequately reach an accident and any vehicle having an emergency can get out of a travel lane.

The letter has been signed by:

  • Essex-Middle River Civic Council Board of Directors
  • Miramar Landing HOA
  • Bowleys Quarters Improvement Association
  • Perry Hall Improvement Association
  • White Marsh-Cowenton Community Association
  • Bird River Beach Community Association
  • Wilson Point Improvement Association
  • Essex Community Association
  • Hawthorn Community Association
  • Middlesex Community Association
  • Bowerman-Loreley Beach Community Association
  • Oliver Beach Improvement Association
  • South Perry Hall Blvd Improvement Association
  • Greenleigh Homeowners Association
  • Hopewell Point Homeowners Association
  • Bowleys Quarters Community Association
  • Baltimore County Councilman David Marks

A copy of the letter can be viewed here (PDF).


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