
Western School of Technology student selected as BCPS Student Member of the Board for 2024-2025

TOWSON, MD—A junior at Western School of Technology has been selected as the student member of the Baltimore County Board of Education for 2024-2025.

Ugonma Chike-Kalu was selected from a field of candidates that included 9,722 students, the largest number of students who have cast ballots for a student member of the board in five years.

Ugonma Chike-Kalu’s fellow candidate was Kimberely Hernandez of Dulaney High School.

Chike-Kalu’s term will begin in July and she will represent the interests of all middle and high school students in Baltimore County. During her campaign for student member of the board, Chike-Kalu emphasized the need for greater focus on mental wellness in the academic system.

She also pledged to work for policies that ensure equity for all students and that promote academic progress and opportunity for all students. Chike-Kalu is a member of the national honor society for math and English and has served as an ambassador for the American Cancer Society.

“This is the fifth year that all BCPS middle and high school students could cast ballots for the student member of the Board, and 9,722 students cast votes on April 4,” said a statement from the Baltimore County Public School System.

“Prior to voting, students were able to learn more about the candidates by viewing their video Q&A sessions, videotaped speeches, and campaigning via social media and virtual school visits.”

This article was written with the assistance of AI and reviewed by a human editor.

Photo via BCPS on Flickr

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