Police/Fire, Sci-Tech

NO DRONE ZONE: FBI reminds drone owners to stay away from Key Bridge collapse site

BALTIMORE, MD—The Federal Bureau of Investigation is reminding drone owners about the airspace restrictions surrounding the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse as recovery and salvage operations continue.

The FBI is urging the public to respect the “no drone zone” put in place by local and federal law enforcement agencies.

“Drone operators need to know that we take seriously any incursion in the restricted airspace around the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse,” said U.S. Attorney Erek L. Barron. “Such incursions threaten the safety of those involved in the investigation of the bridge collapse and the recovery of victims.”

The “no drone zone” extends for three nautical miles in radius, from the center of the bridge, and from the surface up to and including 1,500 feet above ground level. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) implemented a temporary flight restriction (TFR) on March 26, which has been extended several times as drone incursions have been reported.

“The FBI’s message is simple: all drones are to stay away from the site of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse,” said William J. DelBagno, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Baltimore Field Office. “This is to ensure the safety of all first responders and crews in the area as well as to not interfere with their work.”

Anyone caught flying a drone within the “no drone zone” faces arrest, prosecution, fines, and/or imprisonment.

No Drone Zone Baltimore Key Bridge

This article was written with the assistance of AI and reviewed by a human editor.

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