
Councilman Marks: SHA to make safety improvements at MD 43, Honeygo Boulevard intersection

WHITE MARSH, MD—Councilman David Marks on Thursday advised that the Maryland State Highway Administration would be making safety improvements at the intersection of White Marsh Boulevard (MD 43) and Honeygo Boulevard in White Marsh.

The busy intersection has been a hotspot for accidents in recent months and residents have complained that the lane indicators can be confusing.

The State Highway Administration recently completed a construction project at the intersection designed to improve traffic operations and enhance safety.

“The roadway design of this project, which includes three left turn lanes from Honeygo Boulevard South to MD 43, was based on an engineering analysis of the existing traffic volumes and projected future needs,” SHA officials said in an email to Councilman Marks. “The sections of this project that fall on the county road, including Honeygo Boulevard, were also reviewed and approved by the county. All work on this project has been completed per the approved plans.”

“Based on the recent feedback that we have received, and to further improve traffic safety and reduce confusion, we plan to install additional pavement markings in the spring to better guide motorists into the appropriate lane,” the email continued. “We will also be installing an additional signal head on the mast arm to better guide motorists on southbound Honeygo Boulevard. We anticipate traffic operations and safety to be enhanced by the completion of these items and confusion to be significantly reduced. We would be happy to reevaluate the intersection once this additional work has been completed.”

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