Family, Police/Fire

Baltimore County Police Department expands Project Lifesaver

TOWSON, MD—The Baltimore County Police Department is encouraging families to participate in a program to help keep track of people with dementia and autism. Project Lifesaver is a free program that uses a tracking device that emits a unique radio frequency signal to help locate people who are missing.

The device is worn on the wrist or ankle and is able to broadcast a unique radio frequency signal that can be picked up by specialized receiver equipment. Police say the device can reduce the search time for missing people with dementia and autism by 95%.

The Baltimore County Police Department currently supports 18 clients using the Project Lifesaver program. The department says that the program can provide a sense of security and peace of mind for families dealing with a loved one with a cognitive condition.

Project Lifesaver was introduced in 2018 and is part of the Baltimore County Police Department’s efforts to better serve the most vulnerable members of the community.

Police Chief Robert McCullough said, “We are pleased to be able to better serve our most vulnerable community members with the expansion of the Project Lifesaver program. No one should have to worry about their loved one wandering off and becoming lost or endangered. Everyone deserves to be kept safe.”

To apply for Project Lifesaver, click here.

Additional information can be found in the flyer below.


This article was written with the assistance of AI and reviewed by a human editor.

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