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Governor Moore delivers address on Maryland’s budget, installs officers at 2023 Maryland Association of Counties Winter Conference

ANNAPOLIS, MD — Governor Wes Moore recently attended the 2023 Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) Winter Conference inaugural banquet. Governor Moore presided over the installation of MACo’s new officers and delivered remarks on Maryland’s fiscal health.

The governor discussed the Moore-Miller Administration’s proposed transportation capital budget and spoke candidly about the disciplined approach required to address structural budget shortfalls that started to emerge before he took office. He also emphasized the critical value of trust and partnerships at a time when Marylanders are counting on their elected representatives to deliver.

Preceding his remarks this evening, Governor Moore installed the 2024 Maryland Association of Counties officers. Howard County Executive Calvin Ball is the outgoing Maryland Association of Counties president and Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Jr. is the incoming Maryland Association of Counties president.

Excerpts from Governor Moore’s remarks as prepared:

“Trust demands transparency and truth, even if it’s hard. This evening, I offer both – to you and to the people of Maryland.”


“In this challenging time, we have a duty to act with discipline. Because discipline is what the people of Maryland deserve. And by acting with discipline, I believe we can build a better state for the long-term – and strengthen the bonds of trust.”


“Our administration did not create the budget gap. But let me be very clear: We refuse to ignore it, and we refuse to push policies that will only make it worse. We might not have caused this problem, but we will address this problem.”


“If we don’t make hard choices now, Maryland’s budget challenges will grow. We will have fewer resources to supercharge our economy. We will have less power to win the decade. And the public won’t trust us to use their taxpayer dollars responsibly.”


“Marylanders feel like they’re paying a lot – and aren’t getting the best in return. I believe we have a responsibility to invest in our priorities. But first, we need to build a strategy for investment that shows the public we can deliver results in a sustainable way.”


“The State of Maryland has been funding transportation in the same way for a decade! […] If the CEO of a company uses the same anemic business model for ten years in a row, their business won’t grow. And if your governor uses a transportation formula from ten years ago, we won’t be able to solve problems of the future – we’ll be stuck in the past!”


“The transportation trust fund has become so outdated that fixing it requires a comprehensive look at how we fund transportation in the first place.”


“The people of Maryland chose this administration because they wanted to change how state government works. They chose this administration because they know it’s time for us to choose the hard thing over the easy thing.”


“Making hard choices doesn’t mean we stop solving problems. In year two, we will keep saying ‘yes’ to many of the priorities we focused on in year one.”


“I plan to introduce around a dozen bills this year. Together, they will help us build a more competitive economy, protect and elevate our communities, and position our state to win the decade.”


“The work does not stop. The partnership does not end. The year will be hard. But I have never been more optimistic about the future of our state. Because we will tackle this moment together. […] I’ve always believed you can never learn anything about anyone when times are easy. You learn about someone when times are hard – when you’re tested – when the only choices left are tough choices. That time is now.”

The full address can be viewed in the video below and can be viewed online here.

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