Education, Events

Baltimore County Public Schools announces events, activities for 2023 American Education Week

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Public Schools will observe American Education Week 2023 from Tuesday, November 14, through Friday, November 17, with countywide and school-based activities. Monday, November 13, is a professional development day for BCPS staff and schools will be closed for students.

During the week, many schools will set aside specific times for parents and caregivers to visit their children’s classrooms and may host special events. Team BCPS members are encouraged to tweet photos of the activities or their support for our schools using the hashtag #bcpsAEW.

Among the recognitions taking place during American Education Week are two special observances celebrating BCPS staff. On Wednesday, Nov. 15, the school system will recognize Education Support Professionals Day, and on Friday, Nov. 17, Substitute Educators Day.

“Success for every child depends on a strong partnership among schools, families, and the community, and that’s why American Education Week is so important,” said BCPS Superintendent Dr. Myriam Rogers (Yarbrough). “We look forward to welcoming community members into our schools to showcase teaching and learning and encourage engagement. Year-round, we encourage parents and caregivers to support their schools through their parent teacher organizations and by serving as volunteers and boosters. Community members are also welcome as volunteers, and businesses are encouraged to explore partnership opportunities.”

One special event this American Education Week will be a Youth Apprenticeship Program commitment ceremony. This event will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 15, from 1-2:30 p.m. at Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts, 8100 Wise Ave., Dundalk 21222. Employers interested in growing their workforce, recruiting new talent, and mentoring students are invited to attend to learn more about the Apprenticeship Maryland Program.

For parents and caregivers, Parent University will host a Lunch & Learn session in partnership with The Center for Family Success. The virtual session, “‘Can you Say Mama?’: How Young Children Develop Language,” will be held on Friday, November 17, at 12:30 p.m., and online registration is required.

All BCPS stakeholders are invited to participate in the final Community Conversation regarding the BCPS Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget. The session will be held on Tuesday, November 14, from 6-7 p.m., at Western School of Technology and Environmental Science cafeteria, 100 Kenwood Ave., Catonsville 21228. During the session, community members are invited to share their ideas on budget priorities. Spanish interpretation will be provided at each meeting. To request interpreting services for other languages, please call 443-809-1250 as soon as possible.

Individuals interested in working in BCPS career and technical education programs are invited to attend a Career and Technical Education Virtual Job Fair. The event will be held from 4-6 p.m. on Thursday, November 16. To attend, potential applicants are asked to visit the teacher recruitment event website on the day of the fair.

Finally, during American Education Week, two Central Area Elementary School Capacity Relief Boundary Study public information sessions will be held. Participating in the study are Carroll Manor, Cromwell Valley Regional Magnet, Halstead Academy, Hampton, Jacksonville, Lutherville Laboratory, Mays Chapel, Oakleigh Elementary, Padonia International, Pine Grove, Pinewood, Pleasant Plains, Pot Spring, Rodgers Forge, Riderwood, Stoneleigh, Timonium, Warren, and West Towson elementary schools. The public information sessions will be held:

  • Wednesday, November 15, from 7-8 p.m., Cockeysville Middle School cafeteria, 10401 Greenside Dr., Cockeysville 21030.
  • Thursday, November 16, from 7-8 p.m., Loch Raven High School cafeteria, 1212 Cowpens Ave., Towson 21286.
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