
BCPS educators earn 5 state-level awards from the Maryland Art Education Association

TOWSON, MD—Five Baltimore County Public Schools educators have earned statewide honors from the Maryland Art Education Association. In addition, the BCPS Office of Visual Arts has selected eight district-level award winners.

State- and district-level awards will be presented during the 2023 MAEA Award Ceremony. The virtual event will take place on Thursday, June 8, at 7 p.m. (Those interested in attending must RSVP online to receive a Zoom link to the event.)

“We are so proud of the dedicated professionals being honored by the Maryland Art Education Association and our own Office of Visual Arts,” said BCPS Superintendent Dr. Darryl L. Williams. “Our talented visual arts educators inspire and challenge our students and contribute to their academic and personal growth in countless ways.”

The BCPS statewide award winners are:

  • Maryland Advocate for Inclusivity Through Art
    Sara Egorin-Hooper, retired from the Office of Special Education, formerly coordinator of the annual BCPS Very Special Arts Festival
  • Maryland Elementary Art Educator of the Year
    Kristen Filipovich, Sandy Plains Elementary School
  • Maryland Middle Level Art Educator of the Year
    Gina Beto, Northwest Academy of Health Sciences
  • Maryland Emeritus Art Educator of the Year Award
    Edward Maddox, retired from the Office of Visual Arts, now teaching at Chase Elementary School
  • Maryland Agent of Change Award
    Raine Valentine, Ridgely Middle School

The BCPS district-level award winners are:

  • BCPS Novice Elementary Art Educator of the Year
    Alexis Windwer, Martin Boulevard Elementary School
  • BCPS Novice Middle Level Art Educator of the Year
    Anna Sillars, Deer Park Magnet Middle School
  • BCPS Novice High School Art Educator of the Year
    Ingrid Aguilar, Woodlawn High School
  • BCPS Career Elementary Art Educator of the Year
    Dawn Jewell, West Towson Elementary School
  • BCPS Career Middle Level Art Educator of the Year
    Gina Beto, Northwest Academy Middle School
  • BCPS Career High School Art Educator of the Year
    Pam Ehrenreich, Chesapeake High School
  • BCPS Educator as Practicing Artist Award
    Jeffrey Cook, Golden Ring Middle School
  • BCPS Art Advocacy Administrator of the Year
    Lori Hutchinson, Middlesex Elementary School
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