Education, Family, Sci-Tech

Baltimore County Public Library introduces long-term device lending program to help close the digital divide

TOWSON, MD—The Baltimore County Public Library has announced a new service for qualified customers to borrow either a Wi-Fi enabled Chromebook, a high-speed 5G LTE internet router, or both for up to six months.

The program is designed to reach adult customers who have unmet digital connectivity needs to help close the digital divide in Baltimore County.

The program is available to any adult customer who:

  • Does not have a suitable device for internet connectivity at home
  • Has a library card in good standing
  • Is a Baltimore County resident

Those who do not have a Baltimore County Public Library card can sign up for an e-card number, which can be used to access the library’s electronic resources, prior to applying. Due to grant limitations, customers must live within Baltimore County boundaries. Customers outside of the County boundaries can contact the LTL Support number at 410-887-0932 to get information on the ACP and other connectivity programs.

These devices can be borrowed for 90 days with one 90-day renewal period. At that point, they must be returned or they will be disabled.

  • For routers—There is a limit of one per household, regardless of the number of eligible adults living at the same address. Each LTE router has a limit of 30 devices that can connect to it, so a single router per address is sufficient.
  • For Chromebooks—Each adult cardholder in good standing in a household can borrow a device. Do not request Chromebooks for children. Chromebooks are set up so that children who are Baltimore County Public School students can also log on to the devices using their BCPS credentials.

Over the time of the lending period, the Long-Term Lending Team will reach out to customers with routers to assist with Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) signup to establish permanent in-home internet access.

Anyone who wishes to apply for devices can complete the Long-Term Lending application form. If the application is approved, the Long-Term Lending team will be in contact to confirm the pick-up branch and the expected delivery date.

Additional information can be found online here at BCPL.

Photo via Pixabay

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