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Baltimore County Council passes Olszewski’s FY 2024 budget

TOWSON, MD—Earlier this week, the Baltimore County Council passed County Executive Johnny Olszewski’s $4.9 billion FY 2024 budget.

The budget was passed by a unanimous vote.

County Executive Olszewski has issued the following statement:

“Thank you to my partners on the County Council for their advocacy and partnership as we continue to invest in a better Baltimore County. This budget strengthens our new standards of excellence and reflects our values, making historic investments in Baltimore County’s people, communities and infrastructure. With continued partnership with the Council, the school system, our state leaders, our incredible employees and the public we serve, I know we will continue to raise the bar even higher in the years ahead for everyone who lives and works in Baltimore County.”

Additional information on Baltimore County’s FY2024 budget is available online here.

More in the video below.

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