Around Maryland, Education

Maryland State Board, Department of Education recognize 2023-2024 Teachers of the Year

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland State Board of Education and State Superintendent of Schools Mohammed Choudhury joined the newly selected 2023-2024 Teachers of the Year in a special recognition on Tuesday at the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). Each local education agency (LEA) selects a local Teacher of the Year, who exemplifies outstanding work as an educator.

“Maryland’s educators work tirelessly to provide pathways for our students to achieve success and fulfill their dreams,” said Governor Wes Moore. “Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year honorees —your dedicated service through education makes our communities stronger and builds a brighter future for Maryland’s children.”

The 2023-24 Teachers of the Year were selected by their school systems for outstanding commitment to education, equity, and community leadership. Together, the teachers will form a cohort and work together to support equity and excellence in education and address critical policy issues over the next year.

“On behalf of the Maryland State Board of Education, I extend sincere congratulations and appreciation to all the Teacher of the Year honorees,” said State Board of Education President Clarence C. Crawford. “The 24 Maryland local Teachers of the Year distinguish themselves by setting an unparalleled benchmark for public service by sharing talents, skills, energy, love of learning, and teaching. We commend the exceptional dedication and service of these educators which will ensure the success of Maryland students in the classroom and beyond.”

The cohort of local Teachers of the Year is made up of a diverse group of educators, representing grade levels from prekindergarten through high school and a variety of subjects including language arts, math, social studies, science, engineering, computer science, and visual arts.

“Every day, our educators make a difference by going above and beyond expectations to implement a positive learning environment for our students. This is an essential component of our mission to build a bright future for every Maryland student,” said State Superintendent of Schools Mohammed Choudhury. “Exceptional educators are critical to ensuring that every child is prepared to succeed in college, career, and life. This year’s cohort for Teacher of the Year will play an important role in helping to lead the implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, which will ensure every Maryland child has access to a first-class, excellent, and equitable education.”

The local winners are eligible to be named the Maryland Teacher of the Year which will be announced in fall 2023. The individual selected as the Maryland Teacher of the Year will compete with the other state winners across the country for the title of National Teacher of the Year.

The mission of the Maryland Teacher of the Year Program is to honor, promote, and celebrate excellence in the teaching profession. The program helps recognize the invaluable contributions of all classroom teachers, who help Maryland children flourish and grow.

Teachers of the Year from Each Local Education Agency

Allegany County Public Schools
Dr. Joseph Thompson, Fort Hill High School,
Instrumental Music, Grades 9-12

Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Mary Kay Connerton, Annapolis High School,
Physical Education/Wellness, Grades 9-12

Baltimore City Public Schools
Jared Perry, Booker T. Washington Middle School for the Arts,
Instrumental Music, Grades 6-8

Baltimore County Public Schools
Beverly Folkoff, Relay Elementary School,
Special Education, Grades 3-5

Calvert County Public Schools
John S. Allen, Huntingtown High School,
English & Journalism, Grades 9-12

Caroline County Public Schools
Robert Honer, Colonel Richardson Middle School,
Science, Grade 6

Carroll County Public Schools
Lauren Stevens, Manchester Valley High School,
Biology & Human Anatomy, Grades 10-12

Cecil County Public Schools
Brianne Souder, Rising Sun High School,
Fine Arts, Grades 9-12

Charles County Public Schools
Michelle L. Bradshaw, Maurice J. McDonough High School,
Special Education, Grades 9-12

Dorchester County Public Schools
Briana D. Beulah, Sandy Hill Elementary School,
General Studies, Grade 5

Frederick County Public Schools
Nicole Rhoades, Windsor Knolls Middle School,
Science, Grade 7

Garrett County Public Schools
Ali Schilpp, Northern Middle School,
Library Media, Grades 6-8

Harford County Public Schools
Michael Brogley, C. Milton Wright High School,
Social Studies, Grades 9-12

Howard County Public Schools
Dr. Laura Moore, Waverly Elementary School,
General Studies, Grade 2

Kent County Public Schools
Mary J. McGee, Galena Elementary School,
Math/ELA/Science/Social Studies, Grade 2

Montgomery County Public Schools
Shannon H. McKenzie, Clarksburg High School,
Child Development, Grades 9-12

Prince George’s County Public Schools
Mary Truman, Kenmoor Early Childhood Center,
Early Childhood Special Education, Grades Prekindergarten – 4

Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Andrea M. Schulte, Kent Island High School,
Visual Arts, Grades 9-12

St. Mary’s County Public Schools
Alisha Swann, Esperanza Middle School,
English/Language Arts, Grade 8

Somerset County Public Schools
Tania L. Cunningham-Raycrow, Somerset Intermediate School,
Comprehensive Special Education, Grades 6-7

Talbot County Public Schools
Cindy Rossbach, Easton Elementary School,
Special Education Grades 1-2

Washington County Public Schools
Raymond Weber, Salem Avenue Elementary School,
Mathematics & English Language Arts, Grade 5

Wicomico County Public Schools
Tara Martens, West Salisbury Elementary School,
Math Intervention, Grades 1-2

Worcester County Public Schools
Jaimie Ridgely, Stephen Decatur Middle School,
Literacy Enrichment, Technology Education, Grades 9-12

Photo via Pixabay

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