Crime, Police/Fire

Police in Baltimore County training to detect cannabis-impaired drivers

TOWSON, MD—The Baltimore County Police Department will hold a cannabis-impaired driving lab next week at the Chesapeake Region Safety Council in Windsor Mill. Green Lab training is held six times a year by the Baltimore County Police Department.

A “green lab” is where officers are trained on cannabis impairment. The labs provide members of the Department with unique training that promotes community engagement and enhances traffic safety while aiming to deter impaired driving.

Throughout the training, the Department partners with the Chesapeake Region Safety Council, which provides the space to conduct the training with medically certified cannabis patients. Through the consumption of cannabis, the volunteers provide members of law enforcement the opportunity to observe real-time impairment.

In addition, Department members have a chance to explain how cannabis consumption can negatively affect patients’ abilities.

The Baltimore County Police Department will also be providing employer safety training which focuses on training employers on detecting an employee who may be under the influence of drugs.

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