Around Maryland, Politics

Governor Moore signs executive order establishing Maryland Council on Innovation and Impact

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Wes Moore has signed an executive order to establish the Maryland Council on Innovation and Impact.

“Today we are making it clear that we are eager to work with anyone who is ready to build a Maryland that leaves no one behind,” said Gov. Wes Moore. “From local leaders to nonprofits and philanthropists, we are going to ensure that everyone has a voice in the process of building the future we want to see here in Maryland.”

Governor Moore has appointed Jonny Dorsey, Deputy Chief of Staff, as Senior Advisor on Innovation and Impact and Chair of the council.

“In the Moore-Miller Administration, we know that achieving our bold mission – to leave no one behind – will require both excellent performance from our teams in government and collaboration with public-minded leaders across all sectors,” said Deputy Chief of Staff Jonny Dorsey. “This council is designed to forge these critical strategic partnerships and drive progress. We are excited to come together to test innovative interventions, study what works, and pool private and public funds to scale the solutions we need to make this Maryland’s decade.”

The principal function of the council is:

  • To ensure the resources and expertise of innovative social sector organizations can be leveraged, deployed, and aligned with the efforts of the state to meet challenges.
  • To infuse all of the state’s innovation and impact work with the best available evidence, and to ensure the state measures results and contributes to the existing evidence base where possible.
  • To identify and explore ways in which the cross-sector partnerships can be developed and strengthened, ensuring the flow of innovation, talent, and resources across social and government sectors.
  • To identify and encourage policies that increase and sustain charitable giving, volunteerism, and state service.
  • ​To bring ideas and policy options to the governor for developing, leveraging, and maintaining cross-sector partnerships across social and government sectors to deliver community services and accelerate the pace of positive change at the community level in Maryland.

The council will find ways for state government to work alongside social sector organizations, including foundations, businesses, and philanthropies, to make Maryland healthier, stronger, and more equitable.

The governor may appoint additional individuals as honorary co-chairs of the council. The council will consist of the heads of the following principal departments, or their designee, and any other principal departments that the governor may designate:

  • The Maryland De​partment of Health – Secretary Laura Herrera Scott, M.D.
  • The Maryland Department of Human Services – Secretary Rafael J. López
  • The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development – Secretary Jacob R. Day
  • The Maryland Department of Juvenile Services – Secretary Vincent N. Schiraldi
  • The Maryland Department of Service and Civic Innovation – Secretary Paul Monteiro

The head of each principal department in the Executive Branch will designate a liaison to support the work of the Council.

The council will also consist of no more than 25 members who will be appointed by the governor, and will represent Maryland’s broad and diverse range of innovative and impactful organizations from all sectors. Other state agencies, units, and offices may be asked to participate at the invitation of the chair. Members appointed by Governor Moore will serve for up to two consecutive two-year terms. Council members will serve without compensation. Staff members from the Office of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor will be regular participants. The council will update the governor twice a year on notable efforts, goals, and achievements.

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