Around Maryland, Business

Maryland gains 4,800 jobs in March, unemployment rate falls

BALTIMORE, MD—The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics released state jobs and unemployment data this week.

According to the preliminary survey data, Maryland gained 4,800 jobs in March, and the unemployment rate decreased to 2.7%. This is the second consecutive month of record-setting low unemployment for Maryland. The BLS began publishing unemployment estimates for Maryland in January 1976.

The Private Education and Health Services sector experienced the most growth with an increase of 1,600 jobs.

Other sectors adding jobs include: Leisure and Hospitality (1,500); Professional and Business Services (700); Financial Activities (500); Government (500); Trade, Transportation, and Utilities (500); Other Services (300); Mining and Logging, and Construction (200); and Information (100).

The Manufacturing sector decreased by 1,100 jobs.

Note: Data is transferred to the Maryland Department of Labor’s website directly from BLS servers. Our database may be refreshed with a brief lag. For more immediate access to this month’s jobs data, please visit the BLS website.

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