
Baltimore County Democratic State Central Committee seeks applicants for associate member positions

NOTTINGHAM, MD—The current Baltimore County Democratic State Central Committee, also known as the Baltimore County Democratic Party, was elected July 19, 2022 during the Democratic Primary Election.

Due to changes in the way gender balance is achieved, there will no longer be At-large gender-balance members as of November 2022, however, there will continue to be non-voting Associate members. Several Associate member positions for the term ending in 2026 are now open. Associate member applicants may be applicants of any gender from each state legislative district who fill a need of the local Party. The Nominations Subcommittee is charged with interviewing Associate applicants not designated by a chartered club, and recommends nominees to the full Committee.

Applicants must be a U.S. citizen, a registered Democratic voter and resident of Baltimore County. Interested individuals should submit: 1) a complete application, 2) a professional resume, and 3) a letter of interest of one or more paragraphs indicating their professional, civic, and political experience and why they are interested in serving on the BCDSCC. The Nominations Subcommittee will begin accepting applications on April 1, 2023. Materials must be emailed to [email protected] with the subject line “Associate Member Application Dist. #_ _”, or mailed USPS to BCDSCC, Attention: Nominations Subcommittee, P.O. Box 19092, Towson, MD 21286 no later than 11:59 pm on Monday May 1, 2023. Application packages that are submitted after the deadline or are missing any of the required materials will not be considered.

All eligible applicants will be interviewed publicly via a virtual platform that will be recorded. The Nominations Subcommittee will conduct virtual interviews on designated dates between May 2 and May 15. 2023. Once application materials have been received, eligible applicants will be notified of the exact date and time of their interview. For more information or to download an application, click here.

What is the Democratic State Central Committee?

The Central Committee is the grass roots backbone of the Maryland Democratic Party. Composed of activists and community leaders, it provides a core of enthusiastic workers and organizers. The Central Committee is constituted under Maryland’s Election Law to govern the Democratic Party. Each county and Baltimore City has its own central committee to manage party affairs in its jurisdiction. Central Committee members are elected at primary elections every four years. Any registered Democrat can run for a seat on his or her county’s central committee. To advance the party’s principles and help elect Democrats to public office, committee members register and assist voters, staff events, work at polls and phone banks, raise funds and resources, and support the party organization. In addition, the committee recommends appointments to the governor for the Baltimore County Board of Elections and helps to fill vacancies in certain elected offices.

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