Education, Police/Fire

Parkville Middle School evacuated to due gas odor

PARKVILLE, MD—Parkville Middle School was evacuated on Friday morning due to a gas odor in the building, officials say.

A communication that was sent to parents and guardians reads as follows:

Dear Parents and Guardians:

I am writing to inform you of an incident that occurred today at Parkville Middle School.  At about 10:10 a.m. we noticed a gas smell in the building. The building was evacuated, and the Baltimore County Fire Department (BCFD) was dispatched.   BCFD determined that the smell was a foreign smell not related to natural gas. They cleared us to return to the building at approximately 10:48 a.m.  Classroom instruction resumed as normal. 

I want to thank our students for their cooperation and for quickly exiting the building.  This experience emphasized the importance of completing our drills on a regular basis for the safety of everyone.   

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school at 443-809-5250.  Thank you for your continued support of your student and Parkville MS.

BCPS dismissed three hours early at noon on Friday.

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