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Delegates Nawrocki, Szeliga attend community meeting regarding potential development at Lafarge Quarry

MIDDLE RIVER, MD—Delegates Ryan Nawrocki and Kathy Szeliga joined more than one hundred citizens at a community meeting about proposed development in eastern Baltimore County on Thursday evening. There is significant outcry over the future development of 400 acres of the former LaFarge Quarry property on Earls Road in the White Marsh/Middle River area.

“We are hearing serious concerns from residents in the area about the environmental state of the quarry after 75 years of mining,” said Delegate Nawrocki.

The quarry is still an active mine under the purview of the state and the delegates requested the Maryland Department of the Environment investigate environmental and health concerns. MDE’s response was that the property owner must be in compliance with state laws and regulations and any future development of the property would include experts to, “ensure the assessments being done are comprehensive and accurately portray the condition of the site.”

Baltimore County is in the process of approving development of this property. Proposals include building a school, housing, and warehousing. It is imperative that community input is considered, and a study be conducted to ensure the safety of this site before any further decision-making.

“As a father of five young children I would never want to send my children to a school on a site with a history of hazardous materials without determining the safety of the property first,” said Delegate Nawrocki.

In addition to environmental concerns, there are questions about the impact on the road infrastructure. One report indicated that this project could bring as many as 11,000 more vehicles per day to the local roads, including large trucks.

Delegates Nawrocki and Szeliga have also contacted the federal delegation asking them to inquire about this site with the EPA.

Delegates Nawrocki and Szeliga added, “We do not support the proposed taking of land along the Ebenezer Road or Earls Road corridors for this development and we will fight to stop this.”

About 25 years ago, there was an effort to use eminent domain in this same area. Voters resoundingly defeated that proposal, SB 509, at the polls.

Photo via Delegate Kathy Szeliga

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