
Councilman Marks: Harford/Joppa Road intersection roadwork to be finished by December

CARNEY, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Thursday passed along word from the Maryland State Highway Administration that the Harford Road / Joppa Road intersection in Carney will be finished by this December.

“The pedestrian work is almost 100% complete, including pedestrian crossing poles, sidewalks, and pavement markings,” wrote the District Engineer to Councilman Marks. “We are currently working on patching, wedge leveling the roadway in preparation for the final roadway resurfacing work. This project is anticipated to be substantially completed by December, 2022.”

Marks thanked motorists for their patience over the past two years.

“I know this has been a challenging time, but the project will be worth it,” Marks said. “I heard complaints for years that this intersection needed to be improved, and after a decade, the state and county have expanded this location to allow for greater ease of travel.”

Councilman Marks added that seven miles of Joppa Road have been resurfaced since 2019.

Photo via Pixabay

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