
Maryland gained 5,300 jobs in September, unemployment rate decreased to 4.0 percent

BALTIMORE, MD—The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday released state jobs and unemployment data.

According to the preliminary survey data, Maryland gained 5,300 jobs, and the unemployment rate decreased to 4.0% in September. Since the beginning of 2022, Maryland has gained a total of 59,300 jobs.

Compared with September 2021, Maryland jobs are up by 88,500, an over-the-year change of 3.3%.

The Leisure and Hospitality sector had the most jobs gained, with 3,500 jobs added from the Accommodation and Food Services (2,600) and Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (900) subsectors.

Other sectors that experienced jobs growth include: Professional and Business Services (800); Trade, Transportation, and Utilities (700); Other Services (200); Education and Health Services (100); Mining, Logging, and Construction (100). Information sector employment remained the same.

The Financial Activities sector decreased by 2,000 jobs and the Manufacturing sector decreased by 200 jobs.

August’s jobs estimates were revised upwards by 2,100 jobs, from a gain of 5,500 jobs to a gain of 7,600 jobs.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

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