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Councilman Marks: Organic recycling facility drops plan for Philadelphia Road location

WHITE MARSH, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Wednesday announced that an organic recycling company is no longer pursuing plans to open a plant at the former Vince’s Auto Parts site on Philadelphia Road.

“PEH Organics Recycling, Inc. will NOT be leasing Vince’s Auto (11235-11239 Philadelphia Rd) for a Composting Facility and therefore will not be seeking special exception approval for this use at this location,” the company’s attorney told Councilman Marks in an email.

This ends nearly a year of controversy over the proposal, which was opposed by Councilman Marks, Delegate Szeliga, and Delegate candidate Ryan Nawrocki.

“This was always an issue of equity,” Councilman Marks said. “We do not need another facility like this in the Philadelphia/Pulaski corridor.”

Marks hailed the work done by Heather Patti, president of the White Marsh-Community Association. “Ms. Patti put together a well-researched case and deserves a lot of credit for her work on behalf of the community. She went above and beyond.”

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