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Ravens-themed playground debuts in Baltimore County

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County officials on Monday debuted a new Baltimore Ravens-themed playground in Owings Mills. The playground, made possible with a $500,000 contribution by the Baltimore Ravens as part of the NFL Play 60 Initiative, is the area’s first destination playground.

Located in Northwest Regional Park, the new playground includes a wheelchair-accessible rubberized surface, timed challenge course with obstacles, artificial turf 40-yard dash, custom climbing structures and a towering play system and slides reaching more than 17 feet tall.

“We believe all young people deserve access to high-quality, fun, and healthy play options – all things that are now offered to residents and visitors alike through our Ravens-themed destination playground,” said Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski. “I am grateful to the Baltimore Ravens, Speaker Adrienne Jones and my partners on the County Council for supporting this innovative, first-of-its-kind project.”

“We are honored to be involved with this meaningful project, knowing it will provide a safe and unique space for children and their families to enjoy,” said Baltimore Ravens president Sashi Brown. “This destination playground is unlike anything in the area and we know it will offer fun and fitness for visitors from all over Baltimore County for years to come.”

The playground includes a wheelchair-accessible rubberized surface, timed challenge course with obstacles, synthetic turf 40-yard dash, musical elements, custom climbing structures and a towering play system with slides reaching more than 17-feet tall. PlayPower, Inc. constructed the approximately 0.8-acre playground.

“Children and families from across Baltimore County now have another safe place to play and enjoy the outdoors,” said House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones. “I want to thank all our partners — including the Baltimore Ravens — who have once again shown their commitment to keeping Baltimore County a great place to live.”

“I couldn’t be more thrilled about this project, which will put smiles on the faces of children countywide,” said Baltimore County Council Chairman Julian Jones. “I’m glad my colleagues on the Council, our state partners and the Ravens organization could work together to make this a reality.”

Protecting open space and creating more recreational opportunities are priorities in Baltimore County, and County Executive Olszewski has dedicated a record $75 million in state and local funds for parks and recreation in his FY2022 budget; more than the last six years combined.

“With this year commemorating the 50th anniversary of Title 9, it is a great reminder that we need to not only push boys but also continue to push girls and women forward, supporting them in their athletic pursuits and ensuring they can see themselves out there on the playing field and in sports executives’ offices,” said Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks Director Roslyn Johnson. “Thanks to our many partners, this playground does just that!”

This project represents the Department of Recreation and Parks and Baltimore County’s dedication to reimagining the state of play in Baltimore County. Baltimore County has made access to quality recreation opportunities a priority and this destination playground is the first new example of that focus.

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