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No Baltimore County trash, recycling or yard materials collection on Labor Day; drop-off centers closed

TOWSON, MD – On Monday, September 5, trash, single stream recyclables, and yard materials will not be collected in Baltimore County and all drop-off centers will be closed.

Residents are reminded that this holiday will follow the County’s new “slide” schedule for make-up collection days. All trash, recycling and yard material curbside collections scheduled on or after Monday, September 5, will shift and occur one day later that week:

  • Monday collections shift to Tuesday
  • Tuesday collections shift to Wednesday
  • Wednesday collections shift to Thursday
  • Thursday collections shift to Friday
  • Friday collections shift to Saturday

For addresses on a twice-per-week trash schedule, the first trash collection during the holiday week will occur one day later than normal (per the rules above), and the second trash collection will not occur.

If further clarification is needed, residents are encouraged to consult their specific collection schedule to learn when to set out materials during weeks that contain a collection holiday. Schedules are available for download on the Bureau of Solid Waste Management’s website and may also be requested by calling 410-887-2000.

Drop-off centers will be open with normal hours on Friday, September 2, and Saturday, September 3, and will reopen on Tuesday, September 6.

Photo via Pixabay

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