Health, Sci-Tech

Maryland Department of Health launches human monkeypox data dashboard

BALTIMORE, MD – The Maryland Department of Health on Friday announced the launch of a human monkeypox data dashboard containing demographics on human monkeypox case counts and vaccination numbers in the state.

“This tool will further help health care providers deliver the care that is needed to Marylanders affected by human monkeypox,” said MDH Secretary Dennis R. Schrader. “The dashboard also builds on the information about human monkeypox that the state has been providing to help residents stay healthy and safe.”

The data dashboard will be updated weekly on Fridays and display:

  • Total confirmed cases in the state
  • Confirmed cases by jurisdiction
  • Confirmed cases by age, sex, race, and ethnicity
  • Number of people vaccinated statewide

County case counts below 10 will not be shown to protect patient privacy. If those counts meet or exceed 10 cases, the numbers will be updated.

Maryland Local Health Departments continue to offer human monkeypox vaccines to those who are eligible per U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. Current eligibility includes:

  • Public Health Identified Close Contacts: Known close contacts who are identified by public health via case investigation, contact tracing, and risk exposure assessments.
  • Occupational Exposure: Healthcare workers who may have been exposed to a known case and Laboratory Response Network (LRN) or other laboratory staff working directly with monkeypox testing.

In addition, health officials in Baltimore City and Montgomery, Prince George’s and Baltimore Counties are following CDC guidelines to make vaccines available to the following categories of individuals based on supply. Other health departments will do so as supply allows:

  • Self-Identified Partners of Cases: Individuals who are aware that one of their sexual partners from the past two weeks has been diagnosed with monkeypox.
  • Affected Community Members: Individuals in high-risk populations who report any of the following in the past two weeks:
    • Recent group sex or sex with multiple partners.
    • Sex or employment at a venue or in association with an event, venue, or defined geographic area where monkeypox transmission has been reported.

“Our goal is to make sure Maryland residents most at-risk for human monkeypox have the opportunity to get a vaccine,” said MDH Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services Dr. Jinlene Chan. “If you think you may have been exposed to human monkeypox or are eligible for the vaccine, which is free, please reach out to your local health department. ”

MDH continues to partner with local health departments on vaccine distribution within the constraints of federal supply issues.

For additional human monkeypox resources, including fact sheets, FAQs, and closed-captioned videos in English, Spanish and American Sign Language, visit

The MDH human monkeypox data dashboard is available online here.

Image via Pixabay

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