Health, Sci-Tech

Maryland named 5th best state for health care

BALTIMORE, MD—Maryland has been ranked the fifth-best state for health care in the U.S.

With the average American spending more than $12,500 per year on personal health care, the personal-finance website WalletHub this week released its report on 2022’s Best & Worst States for Health Care.

In order to determine where Americans receive the highest-quality services at the best prices, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 42 key measures of health care cost, accessibility, and outcome.

The data set ranges from the average monthly insurance premium to physicians per capita to the share of insured population.

Health Care in Maryland (1=Best; 25=Avg.):

  • 2nd – Avg. Monthly Insurance Premium
  • 6th – Physicians per Capita
  • 24th – Dentists per Capita
  • 14th – % of Insured Adults
  • 17th – % of Insured Children
  • 28th – % of Adults with No Dental Visit in Past Year

Overall, Maryland ranked 5th, behind Minnesota. Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Hawaii rounded out the top five.

The full report is available here at WalletHub.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

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