
Maryland permanently preserves 225 acres of Baltimore County farmland

ANNAPOLIS, MD—The Maryland Board of Public Works approved seven new Maryland Agricultural Preservation Foundation (MALPF) easements at their meeting on July 27th. These easements will permanently preserve an additional 824 acres of prime farmland in Baltimore, Carroll, Charles, Frederick, and Worcester counties for an investment of more than $4 million. An estimated 225 acres will be preserved in Baltimore County.

“This voluntary MALPF program ensures that these farms are preserved for agricultural use,” said Agriculture Secretary Joe Bartenfelder. “We are thankful for all the farmers that participate in the program, including these seven farm families. Maryland farmers are essential to the region’s supply of food, fuel and fiber.”

A list of the MALPF easements broken down by county can be on MDA’s website here. These newly-approved easements will help the state meet its Chesapeake Bay goal of conserving and preserving over 1 million acres of productive agricultural land by 2030.

MALPF was established in 1977 as part of MDA. MALPF purchases agricultural preservation easements from farmers that forever protects prime farmland and woodland.

The Maryland Board of Public Works is composed of Governor Larry Hogan, Treasurer Dereck E. Davis, and Comptroller Peter Franchot​.

Photo via Pixabay

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