Education, Politics

Retired BCPS educator appointed to Board of Education of Baltimore County

TOWSON, MD—Felicia Stolusky, a retired Baltimore County Public Schools educator, has been appointed by Governor Larry Hogan to serve on the Board of Education of Baltimore County.

Stolusky was nominated by the Baltimore County School Board Nominating Commission and appointed by the governor to fill the remaining term created by the resignation of Board member Cheryl Pasteur. Stolusky will officially join the Board once she is sworn in by the Clerk of the County. Her term will end December 2, 2022.

“I look forward to working closely with Mrs. Stolusky,” said BCPS Superintendent Dr. Darryl L. Williams. “I am certain that the Board and our school system will benefit from her unique perspective and rich experiences as a former BCPS educator.”

Stolusky worked as a BCPS middle school teacher from 1997 until her retirement in 2016. She also worked as a substitute teacher for the school system from 2016 to 2020. Stolusky earned a bachelor’s degree in secondary education and a master’s degree in human resource development, both from Towson University. She lives in Owings Mills with her husband and two children. Both children attend BCPS high schools.

“We look forward to welcoming Mrs. Stolusky to the Board of Education,” said Board Chair Julie Henn. “Her vast knowledge of the school system obtained through multiple roles – middle school teacher, substitute teacher, parent, and community advocate – will enrich our work as the governing body for the school system, as we seek in every way to ensure that every student receives the highest quality education to graduate career and college ready.”

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