
Villa Cresta educator named Paraeducator of the Year by Education Support Professionals of Baltimore County

PARKVILLE, MD—Pam Brocato, paraeducator for students who are deaf and hard of hearing at Villa Cresta Elementary School, has been selected as the 2022-2023 Paraeducator of the Year by the Education Support Professionals of Baltimore County.

“Congratulations to Pam Brocato for receiving this honor,” said Baltimore County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Darryl L. Williams. “In schools across the county, paraeducators like Ms. Brocato provide invaluable academic support to our students, teachers, and staff. I appreciate this opportunity to bring attention to their work.”

“Ms. Brocato continually goes above and beyond to meet the needs of all students in our Deaf and Hard of Hearing program,” said Villa Cresta Principal Jenny Rohrbaugh. “Her daily focus is on meeting the unique needs of the students in our program while also supporting fellow educators in our building. Ms. Brocato is a model employee with exemplary attendance, a positive influence on both students and staff, and her work ethic continually exceeds expectations.”

In nominating Brocato for the honor, Emily Palmerino, classroom teacher, and Jamie Vilcarino, records secretary, wrote: “Ms. Brocato always puts the needs of her students first! Working to adapt material, motivating her students, and sharing information with other staff and families to ensure everyone is working together to meet students’ needs is always a priority for Pam.”

Brocato has worked in her current position at Villa Cresta Elementary since 1999. She is pursuing certification as a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing.

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