Politics, Traffic

Councilman Marks: Speed limit to be lowered on Belair Road near Honeygo Boulevard

PERRY HALL, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Monday announced that the speed limit will be lowered on southbound Belair Road prior to the Honeygo Boulevard intersection, from 50 mph per hour to 40 mph.

Maryland State Highway Administration District Engineer Wendy Wolcott wrote, “Our traffic engineering team has evaluated the intersection and determined that the speed limit for southbound US 1 should change from 50 mph to 40 mph prior to the Honeygo Boulevard intersection. The existing ‘Signal Ahead’ sign located just to the north of Perry Hall Road will be replaced with a 40 mph speed limit sign. A work order has been submitted and this work should be complete by end of summer.”

Councilman Marks thanked the Maryland State Highway Administration for its work to improve safety on this corridor.

“I will continue to push for more safety measures here and along other corridors such as Honeygo Boulevard, soon to be improved with a traffic circle,” added Councilman Marks.

Photo via Pixabay

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