Health, Sci-Tech

Maryland COVID-19 hospitalizations drop below 500, ICU levels fall below 100

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Thursday announced that the State of Maryland’s COVID-19 hospitalizations have dropped below 500—another major milestone for the state’s declining health metrics.

Hospitalizations: 480, ICU: 90

Since peaking last month just below 3,500, Maryland’s COVID-19 hospitalizations have declined by 86 percent. COVID-19 ICU levels statewide have dropped below 100 for the first time since August 8, 2021.

Positivity Rate: 2.87 percent

Since peaking last month just below 30 percent, Maryland’s COVID-19 positivity rate has declined by 90.4 percent, and is at the lowest level since July 30, 2021.

Case Rate: 10.8/100K

Maryland’s COVID-19 case rate has declined by 95.4 percent since its Omicron peak, and the state is reporting the country’s second-lowest case rate.

Officials health metrics are available at

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