
Ryan Nawrocki announces House of Delegates bid to bring ‘common sense values’ to Annapolis

MIDDLE RIVER, MD—On Monday, lifelong Baltimore County resident Ryan Nawrocki announced his candidacy to bring a “common sense conservative voice to the people of northern and eastern Baltimore County” as the next Delegate from District 7A.

“I’m running for state delegate because Baltimore County residents deserve a real conservative voice who will represent their interests in the state legislature,” said Nawrocki. “For too long, we’ve had out of control tax and spend policies in Annapolis, a lack of funding to address crime in our communities, and not enough parental control in our children’s education. Throughout my career I’ve worked to serve my community and fought for common sense conservative values. As a delegate I will continue to work every day to give a voice to small businesses and to give the middle class a seat at the table.”

The son of a working-class family, Nawrocki says he learned the values of hard work and determination from the examples his grandfathers set as a World War II U.S. Navy Veteran and a World War II airplane builder at the Glenn L. Martin Company in Middle River. These values served Nawrocki well as the first person in his family to graduate from college.

Nawrocki was the youngest appointee in the administration of former Governor Bob Ehrlich and a communications director for Congressman Andy Harris. A firm believer in the American dream, Nawrocki now owns several small businesses – a medical aesthetics practice and CBD company.

“I believe that by working together we can achieve what many people think is now impossible— less crime, more parental control in our schools, and improved infrastructure,” Nawrocki added. “Residents from Bowleys Quarters to Kingsville have said that they need a voice in Annapolis. They have told me that someone is needed who will put people above politics.”

Nawrocki and his wife Lauren live in Middle River with their daughter Emily and sons Matthew, Luke, and Jacob. Earning her doctorate degree in nursing practice, Lauren is the co-owner of the family’s aesthetics practice and is a professor at the University of Maryland. Ryan earned his master’s degree in public administration from Johns Hopkins University and was recently named a Hometown Hero by the Chesapeake Gateway Chamber of Commerce for his work with the Middle River Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company.

Additional information about Nawrocki’s campaign can be found online at www.ryannawrocki.com or at his Facebook page.

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