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Baltimore County government offices to be closed for Christmas holiday

TOWSON, MD—In recognition of the Christmas holiday, Baltimore County government offices, including Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 vaccination clinics and testing sites, CountyRide van service, and all branches of the Baltimore County Public Library, will be closed on Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24th and on Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25th.

Towson Loop service and Baltimore County parking meters will operate as scheduled on Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24 only.

No Trash, Recycling, or Yard Materials Collection and Drop-Off Centers Closed on Christmas Day

On Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25, trash collection will not occur in Baltimore County, and all three trash and recycling drop-off centers will be closed.

Residents with Saturday trash collection should hold their material until their next scheduled trash collection day. Collection schedules for the remainder of 2021 are available on the Bureau of Solid Waste Management’s website and the free BaltCoGo mobile app (Apple / Google), and may also be requested by calling 410-887-2000.

New 2022 calendars are currently being mailed to residents, and will be available for download online starting in January.

On Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24, all scheduled collections will operate as scheduled and all drop-off centers will be open with normal operating hours; however, general Baltimore County offices will be closed in observance of the Christmas holiday.

Collections of all types may occur later than usual during the last week of December and the first week of January. If a collection does not occur on the scheduled day during this period of time, the materials should be left out until collection occurs.

For more information, residents should visit the Bureau of Solid Waste Management’s website or call 410-887-2000.

Residents can view Baltimore County’s complete Holiday Closing Calendar online here.

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