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Baltimore County Public Library White Marsh Branch to close temporarily for sidewalk, parking lot replacement

WHITE MARSH, MD—The White Marsh Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library will soon be having its sidewalk and parking lot demolished and replaced, officials announced on Monday.

Work is scheduled to begin on Monday, November 1 and the process is expected to take seven days. During that time, for customer and staff access and safety reasons, the branch and book drop will be closed.

The branch is currently expected to reopen on Monday, November 8.

For those unable to pick up their holds by the time the branch closes on Saturday at 5 p.m., all holds will remain on the shelves for seven days after reopening. Regular customers who depend on the library’s in-branch resources are encouraged to visit one of Baltimore County Public Library’s other 18 locations.

The Perry Hall Branch, located at 9685 Honeygo Boulevard, is less than four miles from the White Marsh Branch.

Baltimore County Public Library BCPL White Marsh Branch 1

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