Business, Events, Police/Fire

Baltimore County Police Department to hold promotion ceremony on Friday

TOWSON, MD—The Baltimore County Police Department will hold a promotion ceremony at 10 a.m. on Friday, October 22, 2021. The ceremony will take place in the 6th floor conference room of the Public Safety Building, located at 700 East Joppa Road in Towson (21286).

Baltimore County Police Chief Melissa R. Hyatt will address the promotees and present the certificates to them. The Honorable Julie Ensor, Clerk of the Circuit Court, will swear in the promotees; Chaplain Hope Larson will offer the invocation and benediction.

BCoPD will livestream the ceremony beginning at 10 a.m. The ceremony can be viewed online here.

The following is a list of the promoted officers and professional staff, as well as their assignments.

Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant

  • Sergeant M. Lehto will be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and assigned to the Operations Bureau

Promoted to the rank of Sergeant

  • Corporal A. Galloway will be promoted to the rank of Sergeant and assigned to Precinct 11 Essex

Professional Staff Promotion

  • Meredith Duley will be promoted to Forensic Services Supervisor and assigned to the Forensic Services Section.
  • Michelle M. Brown is promoted to Office Automation Analyst and is assigned to the Technology Section.
  • Keith S. Blackwell is promoted to Security Officer and is assigned to Materials Management Section.
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