Education, Entertainment, Events, Family, Sports

Perry Hall High School Marching Gators to perform at BCPS Marching Band Showcase

TOWSON, MD—The Perry Hall High School Marching Gators will be featured in a marching band showcase this weekend.

Members of the Baltimore County Public Schools community are invited to attend the BCPS Marching Band Showcase featuring marching bands from:

  • Dulaney High School
  • Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts
  • Perry Hall High School
  • Towson High School
  • Woodlawn High School

The event will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, October 24, 2021, at Woodlawn High School.

The annual event is free and open to the public, but tickets are required. Tickets are available online through Ticket Spicket. The event will be conducted in accordance with BCPS COVID Mitigation Guidance.

The rain date will be Sunday, November 7th.

Woodlawn High School is located at 1801 Woodlawn Drive (21207).

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