Education, Politics, Sports

BCPS decision reversed, Perry Hall Band Boosters allowed to compete in fall travel competitions

PERRY HALL, MD—The Perry Hall High School Marching Gators have received some very good news.

After Baltimore County Public Schools’ leadership initially denied the marching band’s request to participate in fall travel competitions, parents and local leaders spoke out.

BCPS School Board member Julie Henn urged parents and citizens to reach out to BCPS, citing the fact that, under current guidance, travel sports are permitted as long as participants adhere to mitigation requirements.

“Outdoor marching band competitions pose no greater health or safety risks than outdoor sports, involve no contact, and are as important to participants as sports are to student athletes,” Henn stated over the weekend.

On Monday morning, the Perry Hall Band Boosters announced that BCPS has now granted permission for them to compete, beginning this weekend at Urbana High School.

The full competition schedule from the Maryland Marching Band Association is available online here.

Photo via Perry Hall Band Boosters

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