Business, Education

Baltimore County educator among 8 finalists for 2021 Maryland Teacher of the Year

UPDATE: BCPS educator Brianna Ross has been named Maryland Teacher of the Year.

Original story below…


BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland State Department of Education has named eight finalists for 2021-2022 Maryland Teacher of the Year.

The finalists are:

  • Jing Dai of Anne Arundel County;
  • Sidney Thomas of Baltimore City;
  • Brianna Ross of Baltimore County,
  • Adrin Leak of Prince George’s County;
  • Stephanie MacKenzie of Queen Anne’s County;
  • Lauren Greer of Talbot County;
  • Caroline Schlegel of Washington County; and
  • Dustin Thomas of Wicomico County.

“Maryland’s teachers are critical in the lives of Maryland children, demonstrating unwavering commitment to engaging, inspiring and encouraging our students,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “These outstanding eight finalists represent the many exemplary teachers throughout our great state, and I congratulate them on their nominations and well-deserved recognition.”

State Superintendent Mohammed Choudhury agreed that becoming a State Teacher of the Year finalist is a prestigious honor. “It is important that we celebrate teaching and these exceptional educators who are experts in their field,” said Mr. Choudhury. “We know that the single most important school-based factor in student success is the adult in front of the classroom each and every day. Our educators drive student achievement, and we applaud their dedication to excellence and equity.”

From a group of 24 local systems’ teachers of the year, the finalists were selected by a panel of judges representing key Maryland education organizations, and include principals, teachers, school boards, teacher unions, and representatives from higher education. All finalists were chosen based on a rigorous set of state and national criteria that include instructional abilities, collaboration with colleagues, students, and families, community connections, leadership and innovation in and out of the classroom, and ability to articulate education issues and beliefs.

The 2021-2022 Maryland Teacher of the Year will be announced on Maryland Public Television on October 7, 2021 in a 30-minute Maryland Teacher of the Year Television Special airing at 8 p.m. on MPT2 as well as being streamed on YouTube at The program will highlight all 24 local school systems’ teachers of the Year and end with the announcement naming the new 2021-2022 Maryland Teacher of the Year.

Presenting sponsors for the Maryland Teacher of the Year Program are Comcast, the Maryland Automobile Dealers Association, McDonald’s® Family of Baltimore, Northrop Grumman Corporation, and SMART Technologies. Platinum sponsors are Maryland Public Television, NTA Life/Horace Mann, and Whiting-Turner Contracting Company.

The selected Maryland Teacher of the Year will go on to compete for the esteemed National Teacher of the Year Award. Maryland’s Teacher of the Year will also spend the coming year as an educational speaker and advisor in Maryland. At this time, both virtual and in-person venues are being planned throughout the State and nation.

About Brianna Ross

Baltimore County – Brianna Ross, Deer Park Middle Magnet School, Social Studies

Grade 6

Brianna Ross views teaching as “a revolutionary act of love.” She has a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science from the University of Pittsburgh, and a certificate in Administration and Supervision from Loyola University of Maryland, Brianna is working on a doctorate in Urban Educational Leadership from Morgan State University. Brianna serves as the Equity Liaison and Social Studies Department Chair. She launched a Summer Transition Program to help students thrive in middle school.

Photo via Morgan State University

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