
Councilman Marks: Harford Road/Joppa Road intersection project on schedule

CARNEY, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Tuesday reported that the intersection project at Harford Road and Joppa Road was on schedule to conclude by late 2022.

The Maryland State Highway Administration will be initiating a lane shift along southbound Harford Road on Friday, July 30, which should last a month.

“When I ran for office in 2010, I stood with a sign at the corner of Harford and Joppa Roads that read ‘Fix This Intersection.’ This junction of two major corridors has been gridlocked for decades, and rebuilding the intersection has been a top priority since I was elected,” said Councilman David Marks. “I am very pleased that after ten years, the State Highway is expanding and improving this corner.”

The bulk of the work includes adding a third through-lane along southbound Harford Road and a third through-lane along westbound Joppa Road for about 700 feet in every direction.

Signals will be updated, as well as ramps, sidewalks, signage, and driveways.

As a freshman Councilman in 2012, Councilman Marks brokered an agreement between the state, county, Carney Improvement Association, and the developer of the CVS that helped led to these improvements. The CVS developer committed to donating right-of-way that could be used for the project.

Last week, Councilman Marks announced that four miles of Joppa Road will be resurfaced west of Harford Road.

Photo via Pixabay

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