Politics, Traffic

Councilman Marks: Four miles of Joppa Road to be resurfaced from Loch Raven to Carney

CARNEY, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Tuesday announced that about four miles of Joppa Road will be resurfaced from Loch Raven to Carney, from Mylander Lane to Harford Road.

The project represents one of the largest resurfacing initiatives in central and northeastern Baltimore County in decades.

Right now, curbs and sidewalks are being upgraded to meet standards for the disabled. Work has been progressing so far in the western part of the corridor.

“In 2019, Baltimore County resurfaced the stretch of Joppa Road from Belair to Magledt Roads,” said Councilman Marks. “I am delighted that this heavily-traveled corridor will now be improved in the Carney, Satyr Hill, and Loch Raven communities. I thank County Executive Olszewski and his team very much for this project, part of an unprecedented level of infrastructure investment in the county.”

The work may not be finished this construction season. Councilman Marks urges motorists to use patience while construction is occurring.

“We would like to thank Councilman Marks for looking out for the older neighborhoods along Joppa Road ,” added Kristen Piscopo, president of the Perring Park community.

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