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Overlea High School graduate to be honored as one of Baltimore County’s 2021 Women of the Year

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County and the Women’s Commission will recognize three outstanding women during its 39th Annual “Woman of the Year” Awards Ceremony.

The virtual event will take place on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.

This year’s theme is “Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to Be Silenced.”

Baltimore County’s 2021 visionary women of Baltimore County are:

Sharon Y. Blake as the “Woman of the Year”, dedicated to community, education and volunteer efforts to the County during the 2020 Census.

Wannetta Thompson as the “Woman Making a Difference Awardee,” a long standing GardenVillage Community Association leader, Wannetta created the GV Food Basket Program, Community Clean Up, and Christmas Event.

Michelle Sobambo as the “Young Woman of the Year,” a graduate of Overlea High School and Sollers Point Technical High School, a leader inside and outside of the classroom dedicated to volunteerism.

“Michelle Sobambo is a hardworking and dedicated student committed to her educational future,” said Dr. Monica Sample, principal of Overlea High. “Michelle is a natural leader and role model to others. Michelle selflessly and willingly serves her community and is always looking to contribute to the global society in a positive way.”

At Overlea High, Sobambo was a member of the National Honor Society, National Science Honors Society, African Students Association, World Language Club, Girls Who Code, varsity soccer team, varsity softball team, FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), and the Allied Bowling Team. In addition, she attended Sollers Point Technical High School as a member of the selective Academy of Health Professionals program, with a specialty in anatomy and physiology. At Sollers, she earned nursing assistant certification and was a member of the National Technical Honors Society. She expects to become certified as a pharmacy technician by August.

As president of the Overlea High Student Government Association, Sobambo coordinated the schoolwide One Love outreach campaign (to educate students about relationship abuse), the Angel Tree program (for helping the less fortunate during the holiday season), a project to assist animals living in animal shelters, and the Let’s Read book donation and guest reader program. Under her leadership, Overlea’s Student Government Association won the highest BCPS honor awarded for overall student council effectiveness, the Superintendent’s Cup.

Beyond Overlea High, Sobambo was a member of the Baltimore County Student Councils’ Board of Selected Students and the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council; has attended county and statewide leadership training; teaches Sunday school at House of Praise Baltimore; and volunteers at the Rosedale branch of Baltimore County Public Library.

These awards are given to County female residents who have enhanced the lives of residents and made significant contributions in the community, workplace, or school to further the interests of women and children.

Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski will lead the recognition of awardees, together with state and county elected leaders.

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