Business, Events, Sports

Baltimore County to host the 2021 Baltimore 10-miler for first time

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County and Corrigan Sports will host the 13th annual Baltimore 10-Miler on Saturday, June 5, 2021 in scenic Hunt Valley, Maryland.

For the first time in the event’s history, the ten-mile race will be held in Baltimore County and will feature a picturesque and challenging course that starts and finishes at the Hunt Valley Towne Centre.

“Baltimore County is thrilled to partner with Corrigan Sports to host this year’s race and preserve this regional tradition,” said Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski. “Bringing this beloved event to beautiful Hunt Valley is the perfect way to showcase all of that community’s vibrant offerings and continues to demonstrate that Baltimore County is a premiere destination for sporting events like the Baltimore 10-Miler.”

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual event was in jeopardy until the County and Corrigan Sports collaborated to bring the regional event to Baltimore County. The race will be one of the first in-person running events to return in Maryland and is expected to accommodate more than 3,000 runners from 33 different states.

“We are so pleased to bring live racing back to Maryland,” said Corrigan Sports President Lee Corrigan. “We are thrilled that we found a home for our Baltimore Ten Miler in Baltimore County.”

Participants can expect some modifications to this year’s event. Runners and spectators are encouraged to visit the Baltimore 10-Miler website as Corrigan Sports continues to provide updates with new COVID-19 safety precautions.

In addition to new safety modifications, the following policies will be implemented:

  • Wave start with departure times based on expected pace.
  • No spectators will be permitted on the premises. Spectators will be allowed along the course to permit socially distancing. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant will be
  • strategically placed in and around the event facilities.
  • Bottled water, bottled Gatorade and Harpoon Beer, along with limited pre-packaged snacks will be distributed post-race.
  • Limited post-race festivities with no awards ceremony or live band.
  • Stay tuned for more specific details on procedures and policies.

For more information or to register for the event please visit:

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